ACSOL Announces Major Event in Nation’s Capitol in March 2023

The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) will lead a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 7, 2023.  The purpose of the vigil is to educate both the Court and the public regarding the significant harm caused by the Court’s decision, Smith v. Doe, issued in 2003.

“”Organizations and individuals that support registrants and their loved ones are invited to join ACSOL for this event that will take place near to the 20th anniversary of Smith v. Doe,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “This event will not only be an opportunity to educate the public but also to unify organizations and individuals who support our worthy cause.”

The focus of the vigil is to bring truth to the U.S. Supreme Court and the public on topics including, but not limited to, the fact that registrants’ rate of re-offense is very low, not frightening and high, and that the registry is ineffective at stopping or even reducing sexual assaults.  The vigil will also focus upon challenges faced by registrants and their families such as unemployment, homelessness and vigilante violence.

“Please add this important date to your calendar,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.  “Additional information regarding the vigil and related events will be announced as it become available.”


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Ed this event that Janice and some others are planning is an eventful opportunity. Sure I will be off the registry but I will show my support. One has to understand two wrongs don’t make a right ordained or not law enforcement are human also. The issue is about the principal of the who issue or are we all still wrestling with this registry that at many times

Sure one can use the sword in vain and one can use a two edged sword or was the preamble to the constitution a bit lop sided where all men were created equal. Guess those ordained are above the status quo of being equal to the truth. Now I do not know anyone’s crime, involvement or what in all this but much of this registry is emotional and sad to even think that government is compounding many with this registry. Why my county alone has over 500 or more sex offenders in all so something has to be done in a positive way. Oh and be sure to wear a mask when going around the state capital or are we all presuming a bit to much.

I hate to say this but some on here feel like this is a gunfight at the OK correl. Ok Will Allen forgive me….

They should also put on the spot any politician or celeberity (such as John Walsh) who has supported said laws, but either did a crime, which they should register for, or if there’s proof they got around having to register. Also call out the stats and bring up the fact registrants rearrest for actual new sex crimes is low and most are due to living on the edge of society (stealing, drugs, etc.) Id go so far as having prerecording played with peoples faces concealed, with them telling their hardships while on the registry. (explain their faces are hidden, due to fear they will lose their jobs if discovered theyre on the registry).

It’s a great idea for sure. I guess i’m just nuts to hope that Smith v. Doe could be over turned by then, or at least a case on the way. One of these Florida cases currently in appeals might have a good chance of possibly doing that. Have we lost all hope? Seems to be lots of talk about “living with the registry” these days. A life of this just isn’t an option for me.

⭐⭐ Big Question ⭐⭐
What are the Washington, D.C. requirements for registrants? What’s the timeframe for having to register in D.C. when we visit the Capitol?

Guys, aside from being excited, I’m also very worried.

Do you think vigilantes with guns/knives are going to show up with an ambush in mind, knowing that we’re going to be there?

Worried that by having this event during midwinter will present logistical problems with the potential for extremely bad/cold/snowy/treacherous travel conditions, difficult to impossible outdoor conditions around DC. A summer event would make things much easier and less unpredictable.

On 1/25/22, I waited for the war zoom at 7pm, and nothing came on, I wanted to know if anyone else had this problem..